Friday, July 13, 2012

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As a professional nutritionist I can say that the quantity of people who are suffering from obesity and overweight is increasing at an incredible speed. That is why nowadays there are lots of people who are obsessed with the weight loss and different methods of getting rid of extra kilograms.

If you are on the way of starting a new life without this “heavy burden”, the first thing you should do is to turn to your local therapist for a consultation concerning possible reasons of your obesity. There might be problem not only with the wrong way of life, but also with some health problems including heart diseases, metabolic imbalance and edema. In this case, the treatment will be focused on the initial problem and then on obesity that has become the consequence of the disease.
You can ask your therapist about pills that suppress appetite. But you should follow doctor’s prescription and be accurate with the dosage you take.

A good way to loose weight is to reconsider your diet. Have small portions of food several times a day. Do not eat after 6 p.m. Remember that you need more proteins and less carbos.
Certainly, exercise is of a paramount importance for people fighting for the ideal figure. Do not neglect morning exercises and jogging. Do the blow for your body during the day. These all will help you to get fit more quickly.
But one thing that should be borne in your mind that it is impossible to lose weight fast. It is a long process. But the results of it will satisfy your mind and your body and will make your life happier.

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