Sunday, April 13, 2014

Losing Weight will Improve your Life.

Losing Weight will Improve your Life.
A lot of people talk about whether or not to lose weight. On one side there is the mainstream media with its usual campaigns full of skinny girls and TV-shows about getting thin. On the other side there is a growing encouragement to be happy with who you are.
Some say that weight loss can improve "quality of life". For many, the only goal of losing weight is to look like the traditional idea of beauty. For others, the concern is self esteem. But quality of life is the real reason to think about losing weight.
It is important to examine the potential benefits and see if losing weight will actually improve your life, or if it will have no effect.

1)      Having a lot of weight can cause problems anywhere. An ‘apple’ shape can be especially problematic. The fat in your belly area is associated with the largest risk of heart disease. But don’t be afraid, it's also the easiest fat to get rid of. In addition to reducing the risk of heart problems, losing your belly will make it easier to fit into clothing and may make daily activities easier.

2)      One of the largest problems with weight is that it it makes the body work harder. If you're having trouble climbing those stairs or walking long distances, then shedding a few pounds might just make it easier to do everyday activities.

3)      Another problem is that body weight distributes differently from person to person, so it is very difficult for a designer to come up with an outfit that fits everyone well. That’s why it can be difficult sometimes to find clothes.

4)      If your doctor has suggested that you have or are at risk of diabetes, heart disease, or other serious issues because of your weight, then the benefits of weight loss are quite clear.

5)      Junk food seems filling when you first buy it, but potato chips, for example, contain mostly air in the bag. Healthy eating will not get you out of debt, but it could leave a few more dollars in your pocket.

6)      Self-esteem is an internal issue, not external, and attempting to get skinny for this reason often leads to eating disorders. Learn to love yourself and pursue a high quality of life. Once you really love and value yourself you’ll automatically want to improve your physical health and maintain a well-groomed appearance. 

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