Sunday, March 2, 2014

Foods That Can Boost Your Metabolism
There are certain foods that have a strong metabolism boosting impact when we eat them. Some of the calories in such food even are burned off just to digest them. This magic process is called dietary induced thermogenesis.

he following list of foods speed up the rate at which your body burns calories.
1)      Low-Fat Dairy such as milk, yogurt and cottage cheese is very good for weight loss. Recent studies prove that if you don’t get enough calcium it can make your body release calcitrol. This hormone causes us to store fat. Therefore, a consumption of low-fat dairy helps to burn fat faster.

2)      Berries are high in fiber, that can keep you full and satisfied all day on little calories. Strawberries, blackberries and blueberries are all high-fiber berries. A 1 cup serving of raspberries contains 8 grams of fiber and only 60 calories!

3)      Citrus Fruits such as oranges, grapefruit, lemon and limes help metabolize fat faster and make losing weight less difficult. You only need 60 milligrams  of vitamin C a day to meet your body's needs, but raising your daily intake to 500 milligrams can boost your fat burning potential during exercise by 39 percent. 

4)      Green tea contains caffeine that can help your body burn more calories while at rest. Caffeine speeds up the heart rate and frees fatty acids that are stored in the body and it makes them more readily available for energy use. By the way, green tea contains a compound that may help to boost your metabolism.

5)      Water helps to rid the body of toxins and chemicals that may be slowing down your metabolism. Drinking water also speeds up weight loss. Make sure that you are starting your day with a big glass of water and don’t forhet to drink it throughout the day.

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